Brewing Guide

Drip/Pour Over- 16-1 ratio (water : coffee)

A fun way to make delicious coffee requiring a little more attention (passion) than a French press/ aeropress, the coffee must be brewed evenly with a steady hand.

  1. Start with a brew ratio of 16:1 water to coffee. This is a great starting point and from here adjust for your palette and also adjust your size of brew depending on your equipment,
  2. Bring to the boil filtered water.
  3. Coarsely grind 25g of fresh roasted coffee. The coffee grinds should be like sand.
  4. Wet the paper filter in the dripper with some hot water.
  5. Place the freshly roasted coffee into the middle of the paper filter and tap it to make it nice and even.
  6. Pour 50ml of the boiling water evenly over the coffee and wait 45 seconds to let the coffee further degas or “bloom”
  7. Slowly add a further 350ml of the water over the coffee in a circular motion.
  8. Once the water from the filter changes from a centred stream to a slow drip remove the brewed coffee to be served and enjoyed!



chemex This is very similar to the regular drip filter however the paper is quite particular and a little thicker resulting in a slightly different experience. It is also a little larger in serving size than a regular dripper more elegant when serving.


  1. Start with a brew ratio of 16:1 water to coffee. This is a great starting point and from here adjust for your palette and also adjust your size of brew depending on your equipment,
  2. Bring to the boil filtered water.
  3. Coarsely grind 35g of fresh roasted coffee. The coffee grinds should be like sand.
  4. Wet the paper filter in the chemex with some hot water. This removes the papery taste and warms up the chemex. If the chemex paper ahs a three folded section, face this in line with the spout as it reduces air pressure within the chemex and allows the air to escape for a nice even brew.
  5. Tip out the water in the chemex.
  6. Place the freshly roasted coffee into the middle of the paper filter and tap it to make it nice and even.
  7. Pour 70ml of the boiling water evenly over the coffee and wait 45 seconds to let the coffee further degas or “bloom”
  8. Slowly add a further 490ml of water over the coffee in a circular motion.
  9. Once the water from the filter changes from a centred stream to a slow drip remove the paper filter and coffee to be served and enjoyed.



aeropress  Similar to the French press but yields a much cleaner cup if thats your thing.
  1. Firstly you’ll need 13g of freshly ground coffee, We suggest you grind it finer than French press.
  2. Boil enough water so you have 400ml for the brew and while you’re there a little extra to wet the paper filter.
  3. Pour the ground coffee into a nice, dry aeropress.
  4. Add the 200ml of boiling water and give a quick stir.
  5. Attach the “press” without pressing down and wait for 1m30secs.
  6. Press down into your drinking vessel. Too easy a push= too coarse, Pushing is hard= grind too fine.
  7. Take the cap off and press out the coffee puck
  8. Drink up!


French Press

french press The classic way to make coffee at home. Easy, versatile and no papers to buy!


  1. Boil feshly filtered water. 400ml will be needed.
  2. Weigh 25g of freshly ground coffee.
  3. Place coffee into a clean French press vessel.
  4. Pour 50ml of water onto all of the coffee grinds and ensure they are all wet. Wait 30 seconds for the coffee to degass and “bloom”.
  5. Pour the remaining water evenly onto the coffee making sure it is all immersed. Place the top of the French press on top to keep the brew temperature stable. (Make sure it is clean and don’t push down yet!)
  6. Wait 4 mins then press down slowly to the bottom. Be careful as too fast can cause the coffee come out of the vessel or not filter cleanly.
  7. Serve and enjoy!


Cold Brew

cold There are many ways to create this summer classic but we recommend for home something simple like a French Press.

We recommend using a water to coffee ratio of 5 – 1.

  1. Pour 80g of freshly ground coffee into the bottom of the French press.
  2. Pour 400g of room temperature filtered water over the grinds, stir well so the grounds are completely immersed in water.
  3. Let this sit in the fridge for 12 hours.
  4. Press the filter down like a regular French press taking extra care because of the extra coffee inside.
  5. This creates a concentrate so add ice cold water or milk to taste. Perhaps some of your favourite syrup if you have a sweet tooth.


Moka Pot

 A traditional Italian way to make coffee.
  1. Fill the base part of the pot with enough freshly boiled, filtered water to about halfway so it is just below the pressure valve hole.
  2. Freshly grind on a fine setting enough coffee to evenly fill the basket. Tap the basket to make sure it settles nice and evenly.
  3. Screw the pot together (the base may be hot!) and place onto the stove on a medium heat.
  4. The water will heat and when hot enough will pass through the coffee and will come up to the pouring section of the pot. If the water rushes up too quickly your grind will be too coarse, if it struggles to come up, too fine. The idea is that it comes up even and controlled.
  5. Once you hear an airy noise, or observe the coffee has stopped pouring into the upper area of the pot. Carefully remove from the heat and serve!